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A New Grumpy Sheep Lamb!

It’s the most wonderful time of the year . . .

Not Christmas, even if, in our previous post, we admitted that our hectic schedule had left us feeling as though the demanding festive period had returned.

No, the special season to which we refer is spring. It might not be here just yet – not in an official capacity, at least – but there’s no question that it is on the way.

It’s amazing the difference a little sunshine can make . . .

Not that it’s all about the weather.

You see, spring is also about renewal, about old things coming back to life and new ones being born.

It’s about the bulbs starting to poke their heads up in the garden and the daffodils that are finding homes in countless vases all around Grumpy Sheep HQ. It’s about the lambs that are soon to start appearing on the farms and in the fields (this last one – given our name – of obvious interest to us all here in our studio!) It’s about promise and anticipation. It’s a most exciting time.

Here at Grumpy Sheep Music, we’ve got even more to be excited about than normal, because, like our own little spring lamb, our latest Mini-Musical – ‘
Simply Easter!’ – has just arrived.

Breathing fresh life into our catalogue, this – the latest addition to the Grumpy Sheep flock – has immense promise and, with the cold winter months (hopefully) consigned to the past, is eagerly-anticipated and very welcome.

Like the daffodils and the lambs, ‘
Simply Easter!’ is sure to be a sight (and sound) for sore eyes (and ears) this springtime . . .

It’s no surprise that, with our newest arrival having just been delivered safe and sound, there’s a spring not just in the air but also in our step!

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